
Below are artists that influenced my drawing style and imagination when I was in art high school in the ’90s. I hope that this list of illustrators inspires you as it did me and helps you grow as an artist in whatever medium you choose.

Some of these illustrators have gone on to have their work made into animated films. I included screenshots from their movies (if applicable) but also their source material.

This list is ongoing.


Story and art by Katsuhiro Otomo

Battle Angel Alita

Story and art by Yukito Kishiro


Story and art by Masamune Shirow.

Striker (Spriggan)

Story by Hiroshi Takashige and illustrated by Ryoii Minagawa

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Hayao Miyazaki’s first film.

Vampire Hunter D

Story by Hideyuki Kikuchi and illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano